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Structure Part - Or

The mm:or structure part is quite a cool part, this structure part will make it so the one block space can have EITHER the first entry or the second inorder for it to be correct.

e.g. A daylight detector and a sponge, inorder for it to detect complete one of these 2 blocks must be in the blockspace.

The Structure Part Id

"type": "mm:or",

Full Definition

"D": {
"type": "mm:or",
"parts": [
"type": "mm:block",
"block": "<block id>"
"type": "mm:block",
"block": "<block id>"

Full Example

"D": {
"type": "mm:or",
"parts": [
"type": "mm:block",
"block": "minecraft:daylight_detector"
"type": "mm:block",
"block": "minecraft:sponge"